Page 21 - Freedom Publishing 2013 Easter Catalogue

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Page 21
March/April 2014
One new to Freedom Publishing. One an old friend.
New to Freedom Publishing:
Secrets of Confession
Vinny Flynn
Flynn, author of the best-seller,
Secrets of the Eucharist (see below)
presents a similar approach
to the Sacrament of Confession in this new book that reveals 7 key "secrets" or hidden truths
about the great spiritual beauty, power and depth of Confession. The understanding that many
Catholics have of the Sacrament of Confession is so limited and narrow in its focus that it keeps
them from discovering the real beauty and value of this Sacrament, beauty and value that even a
young child can understand if it's presented properly. For too many Catholics, Confession is just a
means to an end: cleaning us up from sin so we can receive Communion. But, as Pope Francis
tells us, Confession is much more than "going to the dry cleaner." It's "an encounter with Jesus,
who waits for us as we are." In his years of speaking all over North America, Flynn saw that many
Catholics have this limited appreciation of Confession, and the urgent need for clear teaching
about this great Sacrament. If you have not yet experienced Confession as a wonderful, personal
encounter with Christ; if you do not yet look forward to going to Confession with the same
eagerness and expectation with which you receive Holy Communion, this book is for you. It will be a whole new way of
going to Confession, inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. It may change your life.
Praise for
Secrets of Confession:
Vinny Flynn shows why confession of our sins is integral to evangelizing. Only when we recognize our sinfulness do we
begin to appreciate the infinite goodness of the Lord. Only when we have experienced God's forgiveness are we free to
take up the mission of the Church. 7 Secrets of Confession gets to the heart of discipleship."
Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I.
Archbishop of Chicago
ISBN: 978-1-88447-946-5
Previously advertised
Secrets of the Eucharist
Vinny Flynn
Pope John Paul II referred to the Holy Eucharist as "the greatest treasure of the Church," and yet even
many devoted Catholics have a very limited understanding of this powerful sacrament. This book will
change all that. The reader will come away with a completely new awareness that the Eucharist is not just
about receiving Communion; it's about transforming your daily life. Deeply based on the Scriptures, the
writings of the Saints and the teachings of our two most recent Popes, this profound and remarkably
readable book will introduce you to some of the "hidden" truths of the Eucharist — truths that have always
been embraced by theologians, saints and mystics, but have rarely been passed on to the average
person in a meaningful way. In
Secrets of the Eucharist
these truths are finally made accessible to all,
as author Vinny Flynn shows how each reception of Holy Communion can be a life-changing experience.
ISBN: 978-1-88447-931-1
Or buy both for $40
Vinny Flynn is coming to Australia in mid to late 2014
More details to follow…